January 25, 2013


So the new year brings along a whole lot of newness! Newness going around a whole new life that'll emerge from my womb. It's inside me right now, making the presence felt with a kick here and a move there! What an active baby I have, swear. And soon this lil one will brighten my world. So many things to look forward to. So many things to plan. And the big conflict of 'what' and 'how' the baby shall be. (On this front, the husband & I are quite clear though. Will have to have a separate post on it some day.

Come sunday, January the 27th and I'll have a status update. It'll be an onset of MY family. A picture completed. It still feels pretty unreal (but for the times when the life inside knocks (me out almost!) once in a while! The suspense of whether it's a boy or a girl is quite a thing. (Ever had the aunty's- world looking at your back and your butt to make that guess?) I don't have any preference - well, I had one, that of a girl but not anymore. Am excited any way :D

I was really looking forward to the whole labour bit - of going through it, like they say, to realise the greatness of being a woman. I wanted to experience the process of 'birth'. Yeah, I know, I know, it's the ultimate pain one goes through and all that. Looks like I won't be knowing any of it. With baby in the breech position, the maturing placenta and reducing fluids, the best option for the baby's well-being is for me to under go a C-section. So be it. I'm ready :)

So the first promotion of this year comes my way, the day after! Mommy I shall be for the break-fast :D
Yumm yum!

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